Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why "Ozland"?

As my first little bloggy post, I thought I'd start off by explaining the name!  Many of you may be asking the question, "Seems random, why is she calling her blog 'Ozland?'"

There is a back story, I promise you! :)
Please don't mistake "Ozland" for "The Land of Oz" as it is in "The Wizard of Oz!"  
For starters, for those of you who may not know me personally, my last name is Osborne, which, in the Israeli origin, means "Soldier of God."  Additionally, in old norse language (my personal heritage...Yes, I'm a viking!), "Osborne" evolved from "Ásbjorn." It's root, "Ás" means "God". So when I say "Ozland," I quite literally mean "God's land" which ultimately is the whole Earth!

As an Osborne, "Ozland" is my way of describing my journey and adventure though God's creation, fighting for God's name and spreading His (or Her...I personally believe God is 'without' gender but thats another topic entirely (; ) gospel message as I go, as His soldier, which is my ultimate purpose in this life!

My first stop is Australia beginning this February, where I'm privileged to be joining a Youth With A Mission, Discipleship Training School! (Or, YWAM DTS) And everyone knows that Australia is called the land of "Oz" or the "Land Down Under". So, the name just so happened to be fitting in that way as well!

I hope that you'll join me here along my journey through "Ozland" (cheesy as the name might sound to you...) as brothers and sisters in Christ.  May we forever keep praying for one another and encouraging each other through the good times and the bad along all of our personal journeys and callings that God has placed for our lives!

God bless you all, and....Welcome to my new bloggy where I'll keep you all up to date with the latest hot news! ;]

Your sister in Christ,

Lilly - 
of Ozland