Sunday, June 22, 2014


I've been cooped up in this beautiful hole of a building called Studio 501 here in Montana :)  And it has been rewarding! Here's the latest project I've been working on that has come to completion:

I've also been busy working on music for a feature film in Vancouver, BC Canada called "The Delicate Art Of Puppetry".  It's been so fun to bring different scenes to life through music. Check it out, here's the facebook page, it will be going into several film festivals in the next few months!

A few more projects will be getting out soon. Stay tuned :)

My time here is coming to a close. This is my final week, we're wrapping up projects and debriefing our time here.  It's been quite the journey of three months.  This school has been relaxed enough that I've been able to pursue personal projects, the film score, as well as prepare for my brother's wedding music - so in all reality it hasn't really been relaxed haha, I keep busy!  I'm learning just how much it really takes to fully invest and excel in the arts - music specifically.  I'm glad I've chosen to stick to one and not dabble at being mediocre in many.  It's going to be a journey - a tough one - but I'm excited because I know this is what I've always been made to do.  It obviously hasn't been squashed out of me no matter what people have said.  When God calls you to something, be obedient, its so worth it. It's not easy, but He knows whats best for you and loves you <3

Next week I'll be motor biking to Minnesota with my Dad to visit extended family for a week.  Then its back to Australia! What awaits, I'm not sure yet - but I know I'll be safe in my heavenly father's hands.

Please pray for provision and protection for me in this next season! This has been a year of taking massive leaps of faith and risks.  It hasn't been easy moving around all the time - but I wouldn't trade the journey for the world.

Thanks for all your love and support.

XOXO Heidi