Friday, February 20, 2015

A cross-roads is not a dead end.

There I was, on my last day - day 88 on the Strawberry farm.  It happened to be Thanksgiving day in America even, oh the irony.  My friends were excited, I'd pushed through, I'd persevered the hardship, and I'm finally going to find freedom after that day!  ONE MORE DAY! I already had a new job at a cute beach town clothing store and a place to stay all lined up in South Australia with my friend from DTS to work over Christmas before going back to YWAM, I was so stoked!

Looking at the Australian government's website to extend my visa the night before, I saw a lack of information that slightly concerned me.... So I called the government while I picked strawberries, one hand in the strawberry bushes, the other hand with my phone on my ear.  I was 18th on the wait list. The jazzy hold music played in my ear, the soundtrack of my anticipation.  An hour passed. Finally a representative, with her sweet Australian accent picked up on the other end.
"Hi, I'm Heidi Osborne, I'm looking for the paperwork to extend my working holiday visa, but it doesn't seem to let me do it properly..."
So we talked back and forth, as she walked me through the process. Then, after 5 or 10 minutes, realization struck her when she found out I'm American... "OH! You're on the work AND holiday visa. You can't extend!" -silence- -shock- -tension- "Oh...." "But, I, I can put you on with the tourist visa line, see if they can do something for you but you could probably only stay another 2 months..." She could sense my stress and anxiety on the other side. "n-no, thats find." "are you sure?" "yes, thank you." And the conversation was over.

Three months, no piano. Longer than I'd ever gone without touching keys in my life. Three months of breaking my back. Three months to destroy my teeth eating too many strawberries, in which I'm needing dental work (OK totally my fault).  Living in filthy conditions where the hot water/the water in general would run out (limiting cooking time, and sometimes going without showers) on a tiny bunk bed with 12 girls in my room, none of whom spoke fluent English (but it was lovely getting to know them, I'm a people person anyway), trash piling up to the point of flies and bugs everywhere and dirt all over because our cleaning lady left unexpectedly.  No soap, toilets wouldn't flush, no paper towels, or toilet paper.  A bus would take us to the shopping center once or twice a week to get groceries. It felt like prison. There was no where to go.  Our room was broken into several times, and girls laptops were taken. I hid mine every day.  12 hour days of picking, 7 days a week during many of the high times in the season. Not much mercy when it came to requesting even one day off per week.  Picking in the thunder and pouring rain, in the freezing wind, or in the heat and humidity.  Three months of pressure to keep working despite physical injuries.  I would sleep on my back and my arms would start falling asleep, because of nerve damage, and it still is happening now a few months later, though it is getting better.  I pulled muscles a few times, limping while pushing my trolley around.  My fingers and my wrists messed up to the point that it hurt to play guitar, and made me scared to start playing piano again.  My joints, my knees, my toes..Need I go on... Physical and emotional trauma, which I'm in recovery mode from, all for the sake of extending my visa one more year to be a volunteer with a mission organization. And the plan failed.

As soon as I got off the phone with the government, I finished my row, just in shock.  I pushed my trolley to the weight station where my boss was. He was annoyed. I hadn't turned around to finish the other side of my row. And I lost it. I was done. I finally cracked. And I didn't pick one more strawberry. To this day I avoid eating them best as I can.  I had to leave the country 10 days later, because my visa current visa was expiring December 10. So in that moment, I decided to leave the country with as big of a bang as I could. I refused to feel anything that week, but excitement and adrenaline.  Check it out yo...

I didn't think about money for a week. I didn't think about the lives that I could be giving it to. I didn't think about how I could invest my time for other people. I just thought about living it up for my last 10 days in a country that grew to feel like home. I was selfish, and I was OK with it. It even irritated me when people asked for favors, when my time was so limited. What became of me?
I was hosted by a kind gentlemen in South Australia for a few nights who volunteered with the organization I'd been able to donate strawberries to; I recorded a song I had written on the farm, with a friend in South Australia; I went skydiving; I cuddled with koalas and kangaroos, went wine tasting in the Barossa Valley, I surfed, I snorkeled, took a ship cruise to an island resort, fed wild dolphins, explored villages, saw the Sydney Harbor bridge and the opera house, hung out with French and Taiwanese backpacker friends. I only wish I could have made it to the great barrier reef.

I refuse to believe I was on the farm just for the sake of extending a visa. The lessons I learned there I will carry with me the rest of my life.  It was spoken over me many times while I was working, that I wasn't just there for money, or for a visa extension. I know this is true, and I cling to that truth for the sake of my sanity if nothing else.  When my friend on the farm came to know Christ, I knew that every strawberry was worth it. These were my thoughts before I left, and I cling to them now.  What was I willing to give up for the sake of the gospel? The realities even of missionary life became so real to me, and I so respect those on the mission field giving up their comfort and risking their lives for the sake of the gospel.  And to think that those conditions I lived under, there are so many people in the world who still have it so much worse than I did. I now know the reality of the struggles to fight to live as a foreigner in a land that you love and wish to stay in, but dealing with the harsh treatment from the natives and the government.  Americans, appreciate the mexicans who do the hard labour, and put yourselves in their shoes for a minute. They can't help the conditions they were born into.  The reality is that we are SO privileged as a western nation, and we are SO lazy.
It's not enough to now know these things, but what will I do with this new knowledge and experience? I don't know yet, but there'll be something. Telling you about it is a start anyway.

So I've disappeared for a bit.  All my plans were changed like a rug pulled out from under my feet. I couldn't extend my visa. Don't make my mistake Americans, don't let the Australian government's confusing VISA website trick you..... Unlike other countries on a similar Working Holiday visa, us Americans get put on the Work and Holiday visa, in which you can't work on a farm to extend for one more year. When your year is up, you're out.  Maybe it's because American's are known to be lazy butts and they don't want us working on their farms?  I don't know, and it doesn't matter anymore.  I felt extremely discriminated against, which makes me realize more what people in from other cultures experience every day.

So here I am, back in America unexpectedly.  In another new place that I've never been, Williamsburg, Virginia - because my parents moved here when I moved to Australia.  At a new cross-roads. Having my gifts taken away for that three months makes me value them all the more, and makes me more motivated now than ever.  My body is healing, and my mind, soul, spirit are as well.  I know that if I survived these things, doing big bold things with the rest of my life, in a culture that I'm familiar should be a piece of cake, right? I'm not making many plans yet, because there are many open doors all over the world, and I don't know what to choose yet, and I don't have the mind to decide yet. So I'm just healing, and being, and working, and creating, and God will let me know when the time is right.

I got a job at Starbucks 4 days after my insane 3 day long flight back to the states (that's a story in itself) and I have found new inspiration like never before, and I've been writing more music than I ever have before in this season.
Check out my latest.... I've discovered an awesome community of musicians online!

We have to go through the hardest times to find who we are, where we fit, and find our faith. I'd never been put into a situation where I was literally all alone in my faith before the farm.  I was faced with the question, is my faith inside me? A part of me? Or is a my faith a product of having been planted in a Christian environment? Because if its a part of me, no matter where I go, God is with me.  But if I simply take in my environment, then it'll change every where I go.

So I am just being with God, healing, and creating. And it's OK.

I hope your well. I'm getting there.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Importance of a Sabbath

I'm in Adelaide now, oh yeah, I forgot to mention that to you before.

I spent 44 days in Caboolture picking strawberries, and then they said I could fly out with the big boss the next day to work on the farm down in Adelaide, so I took them up on the offer, and here I've been for the last 36 days. Only 8 left and I will have completed my 88, and will have another year in the land down under!

I've learned heaps working in the strawberry fields. I've grown to appreciate where my fruit and veggies come from, and all the hard work that goes into it.  I've learned how to bring joy to people using my gifts, and make a crappy job a bit more fun.  In case you wonder what goes into strawberries, here's just a little sliver of it.... I filmed this in Caboolture, slightly behind my boss's back...

God has been moving here in Adelaide. One day we were throwing out strawberries that would be perfect to eat that day, but would be too bruised in a few days when they reach store shelves. It made me sad - because to many people, fruit is a delicacy! I was thinking of how I could make a change.  So later, I went online and looked for ministries I thought could use strawberries. I found a homeless ministry, and gave the number a call. "Hi, this may be strange but I work with Sunray Strawberries and we throw out many strawberries, so I was wondering if you could use some...." Turns out the lady on the phone is super busy juggling feeding the homeless, a kid, work, volunteer, and making 3000 jars of jam a year for the homeless in which she has to fundraise for fruit! This was an answer to prayer for her!  So I spoke with my boss, and we've been able to donate as many strawberries as she wants, whenever she wants. Praise God!

I've learned the massive importance of taking a day off a week. There is such a good reason God gave us this command - not to be all religious and say we're evil if we don't follow it necessarily - but oh my goodness, we NEED rest!  Being in a physically intensive job where I work 40-80 hours per week, and being exhausted all the time, I've learned just how important sleep and a day off is. A day to realize there is still so much more to life than work (and strawberries.) A day to heal. And you know what, it makes my work so much more efficient the rest of the week! When I work 2 weeks in a row, I am dead exhausted and slow by the end.  But having that day off, is a perfect kick off to work hard through the week! Oh my goodness God is wise, He made us after all and knows whats best for us way better than we do ourselves. ;)

My eyes continue to be opened, lessons learned, and new ideas formed with how to live life. Learning to think outside the box in which I, and many American children, grew up in and were taught. Look at the world, and all the billions of people who live completely differently from you, you can do it too. Check your pulse. Are you still breathing? Congratulations. You've got very much to be thankful for. You've got a life to live and dreams to make happen. What are you afraid of?  Whats the worst thing that can happen from you taking a leap of faith? Getting laughed at? Rejected? Who cares, there are so many other people who'd love to be your friend, if your open to it.  What else are you afraid of? Being kidnapped if you travel? Well, learn about your location first. The world is the world, people are people, your hometown may have just as many thieves, murderers, and kidnappers as other parts of the world you'd travel to. You don't typically go down dark back alleys in your hometown, do you? Why do it over seas? Be smart. You'll be amazed at how you'll learn, change, cope, and figure things out.  And, when you've got God on your side as well when you believe and accept Christ, who can stop you?

Or you can keep sitting on your butt. Your choice. My choice. Life choices. We live in an age of possibility, and there's no more exciting time to be alive. So embrace it, and discover and create new ways to live and inspire.

Food for my thought. Just not strawberries please.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Creativity to bloom from the ground and to be plucked with the Strawberries.






Upon research and discussion with YWAM, my only option is really to leave and do specified work in regional Australia for 88 days to extend my current working holiday visa so I can stay another full year.  Funny timing, because as soon as I found this out, my friend called me and told me the strawberry farm he's working at would hire me within the week. So that's where I'm heading, an hour north, to Caboolture to pick strawberries for a month or two.  After that, to complete my 88 days of sentence (haha kidding..kind of), I'll be going to New South Wales to help another good friend with construction on his property. And then, I'll have another full year in Australia. YIPPEEEE!

I can't help but feel like its a step backwards in creativity - I won't be in a studio. But, it will be a good chance to process, plan, save, and befriend backpackers who need JESUS.  God's got it all planned out, obviously. I'm learning time and time again to rest in His will because anytime I stress and try and take things into my own hands, it doesn't work.  Then, in His crafty perfect timing, He's just like, "HERE YOU GO, HERE'S THE DOOR OPEN YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR" often in an unexpected way.  But its always for the best so I'm trusting that this will be for the best as well - and its almost exactly 3 months before my current visa expires as well.

My last few weeks at YWAM have proved fruitful, and I'm excited to be coming back to continue.  Hopefully come back with fresh perspective and direction from the Lord, and new inspiration, maybe new creations from my freetime in Caboolture? We'll see!

Here are links to a few projects I've been working on.  I've downloaded the trial of Ableton Live, and I LOVE it and hope to find a way to get the complete version once the 30 days is up. We're looking into a music tour where we can go around Australia and perform our contemporary music to attract a contemporary crowd and share the gospel that way.  << Here is my new music facebook page where I'll be updating you all with covers and all the happenings.

Here's a fun experimental cover I did a week ago; I'm learning that I should take more time with projects, because when I rush I hear all of the flaws later, haha! But, I'm learning and this was so fun to do:

Please pray for protection, direction, peace, and that I'll be able to make a heap of new relationships on this farm and that God'll use me in their lives!



Friday, August 15, 2014

~The one-way ticket~

Upon seeking God's will returning to Australia for the last months, I will be joining staff here in YWAM Brisbane for a year.

What is my role on base?

  • I'll be a musician here on base, leading worship at a church, working in the studio - helping students with music projects.  
  • I'll also be in the cafe serving donation coffee.  
  • I'll be a part of a "shine" program.

The Music Vision

My vision is to see this place be a launching pad for up and coming artists into the industry.  To help them create innovative new, quality music.  to get more talent into a dark music world - people who will bring a worldview of God's truth through their songs.  I will also be creating my own music and playing gigs with musicians in the local Brisbane area outside my time serving YWAM to be an example to the students - to work to the best of my ability so that I can be the biggest asset to them.  AH I long to see transformation in the artists of the next generation!  We work so much stronger when we are all a team and when we have the same vision - we can all come together and strengthen each other as the body of Christ!  We'll also be working towards playing for a big festival in April - Easter Fest - check it out!  Keep tuning into facebook, youtube and sound cloud as more music will be popping up there regularly. 

The Cafe Vision

Our cafe has been made as an outreach to the community to bring them in and serve them the best coffee we can make for a gold coin donation.  A lot of local youth, church groups, business people, etc from the community come here and many relationships have been able to be maintained through this ministry.  One of my goals is to become a pro at latte art this year! Hehe.  I also really want to invest in a couple key students who come regularly and encourage them that they CAN pursue God's calling on their life.  Every Sunday night we run an open-mic night which is definitely our busiest night of the week, which attracts a large audience from around the community and musicians come and play covers and original songs.  It's an AWESOME opportunity to share and practice performance as a musician.

The Shine Program 

Several women from our base go to local schools to speak into the lives of young girls.  We share testimonies from our own lives, and encourage them to chase their dreams and pursue their calling. We aren't directly allowed to speak about God unless they ask, but this gives us the opportunity to build relationships and then invite them to the cafe where we can openly talk about God.  I'm super excited about this opportunity to pour all the things God has taught me over the last years of life into other girls' lives and to see lives transformed!  I'm hoping to meet some young musicians whom I can mentor.

Outside YWAM:

I go to many outreach dinners/barbecues which attract international people who've never heard the gospel. I get invited to the most seemingly random, spontaneous events where I get to connect with so many new people and experience such new things, several times a week.  What a privilege to connect with people from all over the world, in their houses, experiencing so many different cultures and enjoying life with new people every day and sharing the love of Christ with them!

Partner with me:

Your partnership in prayer means the WORLD to me! I really believe that when we ask God in faith, He gives us the desires of our heart and supplies our every need.  
To live here for the year in Brisbane, I'll be needing approximately $400 per month - for my rent and food.  If you'd like to partner with me financially, it's very simple to give a one-time gift, or to sign up for monthly giving through the YWAM Brisbane website:
If you have questions please shoot me an email! 
Your partnership means the world to me - and I'd love to send you my music as a big thank you as I am in the midst of creating it.

Prayer points:
  • That God gives me the words to say to people who haven't heard the gospel before - that it will just come naturally and that He can use me to see their lives transformed - I want to see some salvations!
  • Equipment for the studio, so that we can make some quality stuff from that place.
  • Connections will continue to be made with musicians in Brisbane so God can use me to impact their lives through music.
  • Constant refining and defining of my path/vision/direction.
  • A servant, humble heart. 
  • That I won't be held back because of lack of resources - but I'll make the most creative use out of all the things I DO have.
  • That my upcoming new visa will be approved in December!
  • Direction for after this year.
  • Provision, health, etc.

Bless you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Back in OZ, doors are opening, visions are forming!

I touched down on the airplane the morning of the 8th of July, having been daydreaming the whole trip of what my time here would look like. Getting off the plane with a massive smile on my face made me realize how much of a home I've really made Australia feel.  And on the way over, I was realizing how free I am to do - well - whatever.  I met someone in the airport who invited me to stay with her friends in Sydney. It struck me, that I'm more than free to do things like that; make friends easily.  If I didn't have friends waiting for me in Brisbane, I just might have...

I've been praying for open doors. I'm here, God, You sent me, here I am, I'm willing. I'm trusting. You'll provide.
And a door has been open for an opportunity to go to NSW for 3 months to do construction on a building of a friend of mine to extend my working holiday visa for one more year. Australia seems to be a perfect place for me to continue cultivating vision with God.  I'm continuing to pray for further direction. I know my goals and have my dreams, but the journey to get there is the part that I'm trying to figure out.

Ultimately, my vision is to use music in mission.  Eventually I'd like to be able to support my own and other people's mission work through my music, as well as open doors to relationships and travel to tell people about Christ. Music has SUCH influence over society. It not only impacts culture, but reflects the culture that it is made in.. I want to bring Kingdom Culture into my music; but in a not fake/"Christian" cheep sound. Something real, and quality, that reaches people's hearts, that people can really relate to.  I want my music to be multi-cultural, use instruments of other cultures, and work with musicians from all over the world.  Kind of create cultural awareness in a way - bridge a gap, music is a language for all to understand. Use random sounds as well, such as my video Under The Shooting Stars where I used a tape dispenser with sand in the bottom as a shaker, and used the sound of ripping tape as percussion as well. Check it out here:

I'm developing my style for sure, this last 3 months in Montana was wonderful for that!  I feel my vision, direction, and identity in Christ were really refined.  I focused all my time and energy in the studio learning the music software.  I'm not wasting time for sure - I want to develop the gifts God's given me to the best of my ability, to be a good steward of my body, time, and resources.  I was also able to write music for a feature film being finished up in Vancouver BC Canada called The Delicate Art of Puppetry.  This has been such a pleasure to work on, and I look forward to doing more film music in the future! Doing the Digital Film making school has opened a whole new world of musical opportunity and possibility for me.

I want to make videos along with my music that tell stories.  Kind of like Ed Sheeran, the way he only pops up in his videos once or twice because his music focuses on the story told along side; but my content would definitely be much different than his of course (as our world views are entirely different..)  Under The Shooting Stars wasn't a story, but it was a good start I feel in getting things out on youtube, and I want to be doing more of this in this next season.  Eventually I really want to direct my music video stories though!

I'm praying into many opportunities.  Getting a job here in Australia, potentially extending my visa another year, maybe joining staff here at YWAM Brisbane working in their cafe and in the music studio, applying to Universities in New York and London, doing an online music career mentoring program starting in August which I was accepted into, or going home and spending time with my parents.  In whatever I do, I do NOT have a heart to go into debt.  

I'd so appreciate your prayers for direction for me! For God to continue to open doors. I'm definitely a go-getter, but God has always opened the right doors usually when and where I least expect and often when I don't try (so he's telling me to chill out a bit and not worry.)
Please pray for provision! For opportunities to make ends meet here - be it music gigs, teaching piano, a job, babysitting, youtube, potentially going onto support if I join YWAM again, etc.  
I'm also praying for EQUIPMENT! I'd love to have my own midi/88 key keyboard so I can continue honing my skills as a musician more proficiently and on my own time. Also for Pro-tools, so I can record and keep the skills up that I gained in Montana.  Pre-amp, like a focus rite, and the proper cables would be wonderful. A good microphone! And a CAR! That would definitely make life easier - especially if I end up working in the country town in New South Wales soon.
But most importantly just keep praying for my heart; that I'll persevere through the good and bad times, and put God first in everything I do or it's all worthless anyway.  That I'll put what He says about me first and about my life. That I won't just conform to what this world says I should do, or to what's most comfortable. That I'll be a risk taker if He asks me to be!  That I'll continue the race with strength and faith, and be focused on God and bringing others to Him too.

Be blessed my friends!

XOXO Heidi Lillian Osborne

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I've been cooped up in this beautiful hole of a building called Studio 501 here in Montana :)  And it has been rewarding! Here's the latest project I've been working on that has come to completion:

I've also been busy working on music for a feature film in Vancouver, BC Canada called "The Delicate Art Of Puppetry".  It's been so fun to bring different scenes to life through music. Check it out, here's the facebook page, it will be going into several film festivals in the next few months!

A few more projects will be getting out soon. Stay tuned :)

My time here is coming to a close. This is my final week, we're wrapping up projects and debriefing our time here.  It's been quite the journey of three months.  This school has been relaxed enough that I've been able to pursue personal projects, the film score, as well as prepare for my brother's wedding music - so in all reality it hasn't really been relaxed haha, I keep busy!  I'm learning just how much it really takes to fully invest and excel in the arts - music specifically.  I'm glad I've chosen to stick to one and not dabble at being mediocre in many.  It's going to be a journey - a tough one - but I'm excited because I know this is what I've always been made to do.  It obviously hasn't been squashed out of me no matter what people have said.  When God calls you to something, be obedient, its so worth it. It's not easy, but He knows whats best for you and loves you <3

Next week I'll be motor biking to Minnesota with my Dad to visit extended family for a week.  Then its back to Australia! What awaits, I'm not sure yet - but I know I'll be safe in my heavenly father's hands.

Please pray for provision and protection for me in this next season! This has been a year of taking massive leaps of faith and risks.  It hasn't been easy moving around all the time - but I wouldn't trade the journey for the world.

Thanks for all your love and support.

XOXO Heidi

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Audio Production Course

I've made it here to Montana at the Youth With a Mission Lakeside base, and I'm currently learning all about audio production!  OH MY GOSH I am loving it.  I've found my happy little peaceful hobbit hole in the world - in the beautiful music studio/our classroom which they are in the process of finishing building.

I'm learning all about Pro-Tools, the powerful music recording software - it's what I've been waiting for for so long! To get out of just using plain old garage band.  Heidi's stepping up her game ;)

I've discovered my truest passions for music, and I know that this is the direction that God is leading me- so many confirmations.  I'm so excited to continue learning and growing in this season.  The school is so relaxed, we have lectures for 5-6 hours a day, leaving the rest of the day for me to practice using the software and growing in my musical instruments and writing.  Help is at every corner to guide me along the way.

I'm so thankful to God for guiding me here, preparing the way and strengthening me on the journey.  When I am weak, he is strong.  I never want to lose sight of all the ways He's prepared this for me.