My dearest friends!
The ultimate journey in life
is when we decide to put aside our Earthly desires and follow the callings that
God has placed on our hearts and minds. Life
is a long journey of exploration and learning, and mine lately has been full of
twists and unexpected turns! My journey has led me here, to this blog. I’d love to have the privilege
of taking you along with me in spirit on my upcoming adventure of following
God’s call in my heart!

big concern I have right now is financing my trip, which tends to feel
overwhelming, but for God anything is possible in His will and word! My finances are due in increments throughout
the trip. $1825.00 (Australian Dollars)
is due January 23, 2013, which I am able to pay through jobs that have been
provided for me this last semester, praise God!
$2435(AUD) is due on March 15, 2013, an outreach deposit of $2000 AUD is
due the 6th week into the DTS, and then the remaining outreach costs
are announced and due in the 18th week of the DTS.
you feel led to give financially, there are several possible ways of
accomplishing this. If you have a paypal
account, you can send money through there to, just be sure to let them know that the money is being sent
for Heidi Osborne’s school fees. I also have a donate button on the right side of this blog, in which you can donate straight from your paypal account to mine. If
you’d like to use your credit or debit card, send me an email at and I’ll
forward you a form that you can fill out and then email to YWAM. Another option is to send cash or checks
directly to me and I will use it towards my school fees.
feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments, or let me know
if you are praying! I am planning on
keeping up this blog while I'm on the trip, so if you're interested in all the that's on, feel free to subscribe to me here!
you so much for your time!
God bless you!
Heidi Lillian Osborne