Saturday, April 27, 2013

Three weeks on the road... Week two: Impact Byron Bay!

We drove up to Byron bay after a long night and day of packing up at Easter Fest, arriving somewhere around 3 in the morning Tuesday.  Though groggy, and ready for a good nights sleep and perhaps a day of rest, (which was yet to come) our spirits remained high and we were ready for what God had for us in the beautiful bay.

We had lectures on Evangelism by the YWAM base director of Byron Bay, Kevin.  We were able to apply what we were learning in lectures through out the week as we did street evangelism in Byron and in a little town called Nimbin (nick-named the "drug capital" of Australia.)

On Wednesday, we went to Nimbin.  I've never seen a place more artistically inspired by drugs in my life! Every building was multi-colored, the locals were letting their hair grow and believed in the power of self expression, many were handing out - code name for marihuana: "cookies" in the street (which we did not accept FYI, haha!) We held a free barbecue complete with live music, at which I performed some covers and original songs with Ryan.  What I'm learning is that there is SUCH power in music, to attract people, power to change the spiritual atmosphere, power to change people's moods, minds, beliefs, days, etc!  There is also such power in FOOD, there is nothing quite like it to bond people together, catch people's attention and make automatic relationships!  I got into a nice conversation with one of the locals who owned a painting shop, and she asked us how long we'd be staying, and that we brought a lively new spirit to the town.  That's the power of Jesus, baby!  I also left Bible verses around the town and we talked to and prayed for locals.  Below is a picture of colorful Nimbin streets!

On Thursday night we were planning on having a Chai tent in the park with free chai and pancakes for the community, but the weather did not permit us to do so.  Instead, we simply wandered around the town awaiting on God to work.  We danced with people on the street to the music of a busker and invited them to the barbecue the next day, evangelized, and prayed for people.  This specific man that we got to pray for looked SO improved the following day, praise the Lord!

At the barbecue, I got to talk to this French woman who was there for work travel.  She was a scientific atheist who was studying the weather.  She made the comment of how strange it was that the sky was so clear when it had been so rainy earlier, how that was so un-predicted.  That gave me the opportunity to tell her so many of us had been praying for clear weather and God was faithful!  

Lessons are constantly being learned, and God is constantly revealing Himself in new mysterious ways.  His name be praised forever!

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