Thursday, May 2, 2013


I wanted to let you all in on a very exciting opportunity that we have to be involved in!!

Coming up on May 25 is an event that will sweep across the whole world: 

Global Outreach Day!

For a whole day, 24 full hours of evangelism, and churches all across the world will be participating!  Imagine the impact this day will have - if every Christian in the world rises up and spreads the good news - oh all the healing that God can perform through us, people encountering God in such a big way, Satan shaking in his "boots" with fear because we are no longer being mediocre about our faith but rising up and taking a stand!  

Here at YWAM Brisbane, our day will be complete with 24 hours of prayer over the city, street evangelism, service projects around the city, handing out bibles, serving free ice cream, performing at local cafes, and just being led by the Spirit to see how He'll move through us.  SO excited to see how this happens! If each Christian tells ONE person about Jesus on this day and they come to accept Him-our family, the eternal kingdom doubles in ONE day!!! The impact of that!  It will also encourage people to make evangelism a part of their every day lives, to go beyond this one day.  To simply love people as Jesus loves people, and to spread the best news the world has ever known.  This is the third year this program has run, and currently, there are about 20,000,000 Christians around the world getting involved, wow!

Please join the cause and the excitement and spread the word to the churches in your community!  To get involved, please visit:

You can find more information on this incredible day and register. Please spread the word, and allow God to work through you to make such an impact in your community!

God bless you all!!


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