Saturday, June 15, 2013

Japan: Less than 24 hours away!

This last week, we had a speaker come and share with us from the YWAM base in Newcastle, Australia.  He spoke on Destiny and living out obedience in the callings that God has given us.  I received so much clarity and peace from this week about my future!  God's got it covered, and I don't have to worry; but simply must listen and obey His guidance.

Our team of 10 is leaving for Japan tomorrow bright and early in the morning!  We'll have a direct flight from the Gold Coast to Tokyo.  I won't be able to keep this updated as regularly while away - but our team will be keeping up a blog each week, follow us here:

This is a video half of my team has made to show in Japan:

God bless you all! Please remember us in your prayers as we fulfill the great commission, to go into all the world and preach the gospel!  For Holy Spirit strength, boldness, unity (they'll know we are Christians by our love for one another), and loving encouraging words for the people.

Heidi Lillian Osborne

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