Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Home sweet Home. What's NEXT?! What is identity?

I and my team of 9 other young brothers and sisters in Christ found ourselves, on the morning of Sunday the fourth of August, at the Gold Coast airport.  The moment I stepped out of the plane, I inhaled the fresh, clean, cool Australia winter air, and stared up at the clear blue sky with the sun rising higher as the day drew itself forth. Australia, I thought as a broad smile flashed across my face. Welcome back to a home, Heidi Lilly.  

The two weeks of debrief flew us by.  Each outreach team came back together and we were a full MAD family again - but everyone had changed, grown, and experienced God in a whole new way on their outreaches.  Everyone was able to put into practice all the things we learned in our lecture phase - and naturally came out of it different people.  God is so good and faithful. 

Please read through the team blog that Davin kept up during our stay in Japan to hear all about the ministries that we had the privilege of partaking in.

One thing that I've been convicted of is going by my first name again, rather than Lilly.  Every time I look at myself in the mirror I'm still Heidi, any time I talk about myself, I'm still Heidi.  God was speaking to me about it several weeks ago about my identity and why I was given my first name, but I pushed it to the side for a while, thinking it would just be a pain to switch my names again.  What finally convinced me to do it was when Kalli, my school leader, gave me a prophetic journal with "princess" on the cover of it.  What she didn't know was that that is what my name Heidi means.

What's next for you, Heidi? 

A few days ago, on Friday night of the 16th of August, I got all dressed up and walked down the aisle to get my Certificate of Discipleship and graduate from DTS.  Everything is a slight blur.  The last few days have been full of many tearful goodbyes of my brothers and sisters that I've gained being here.  But with every goodbye, there is a new hello! Many new faces have been appearing for the new Beach to Bush DTS as well as School of Digital Film making and School of Acting for the Screen (which run together).  Everything is happening so fast - but its all in perfect timing.  Tonight, Wednesday the 21 of August, I had my welcome dinner.  5 days after my goodbye dinner happened.

So what AM I doing, anyways?!  Well, I've felt the call to stay to attend the School of Digital Filmmaking with The Initiative Production Company here on base in Brisbane.  It is a 3 month long second level school through YWAM's University of the Nations.  It is a chance for me to gain skills to use in ministry in the film industry, or other art industries.  Film has SO much power and influence in society today, and unfortunately Satan has really grabbed a hold of that power in many ways.  Its time for Christians to step up and put out true entertainment that glorifies our creator!  I'm looking forward to being challenged in self-discipline, character development, story-telling, communication, camera use, all about the best kinds of coffee because from the sound of it I'll need LOTS of it during this time, haha!  It will be a full-on three months.  YWAM is wonderful, because everyone is already a family, we are already united by Christ in each of us.  Its amazing how you can know people for only one day and already love them so much and feel like family, because of that connection.

I would SO appreciated your prayer!  It means so much and seriously makes the largest difference.
1. That I'll transition well, feel fully at peace and have full closure from my DTS time.
2. My health.  My voice has left me today!
3. Strength, and energy.  This three months will be full on, and from what I hear, not a lot of sleep will happen.
4. Humility. To go through everyday thinking of how I can give out of what God's given me for the day-not what I can get.
5. Clarity and peace for the next steps God is taking me on in life.
6. Finances for my classmates. They've felt the call of God to come here, and He'll provide everything they need! 

Thank you so much.  I miss you all and love you so much! Thanks for taking the time to read this and keep all updated.

Peace in Christ,

Heidi Lilly

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is very exciting!! Wooow. You are letting God do great things and I encourage you to keep trusting the Lord
