Saturday, February 9, 2013



2 Wednesdays ago, I could feel myself coming down with a bug, but I figured it was just a minor cold.  I did feel quite tired all through the day and didn't really feel like moving for some reason though...  But I shrugged the feeling off as laziness.
Thursday morning, I woke up with sharp hunger pains that I could no longer sleep though. So I got out of bed, analyzing the damage I felt inside my body.  I looked in the mirror in the bathroom, and realized I looked as bad as I felt... I tried to fake a normal, happy expression on my face that I could wear to work....Oof, wasn't looking too pretty.
I "hobbled" downstairs to the kitchen to get some water and food, where Jessica and Paul were getting breakfast. Jessica could sense my un-rest I believe, and I jokingly told her I felt horrible (it may have sounded like a joke...but it certainly wasn't one..) As I sipped my water, I could feel my head was not working right...Everything was going kind of black so I sat down and rested my head on my hands...Then the nausea hit me.  I got up to totter to the bathroom, and paused at the doorway crying out "Oh God...Oh God.." with my hand to my head.  Next thing I remember, I was in a crumpled heap on the floor with Paul and Jessica frantically standing over me.. "Did I seriously just faint...? I've never fainted in my life.." I said weakly.
Jessica ran upstairs to get mom, and Paul helped me up and walked to our couch, where I spent the rest of the day. "I don't think I can go to work today..." I moaned.  Rather, the rest of the next 5 days, no work, all couch.  Me and that couch became quite good friends.  My fever spiked that morning, and peaked at 104 degrees.  I haven't burned so hot since I was a little girl, when running high temperature fevers seemed to be one of my favorite hobbies! I was bed riden pretty much all of the week-which was a true in-convenience in getting ready for my fast-approaching trip!
A few days into my flu, I got word from Dad that this flu was centered in Sydney, Australia.  That made me laugh inside, perhaps I got this flu on purpose so that it wouldn't happen to me while I was actually in Australia, God moves in mysterious ways ;)  He can use any bad situation turn it for His good and glory, and our own good!


In other news, a few days ago, I got a massive check from my church!  From this and other people's kind, generous donations for my trip I have enough for my second payment which is 2425 AUD.  I am so incredibly thankful and blessed! God provides for our needs when we follow His will!  So many doors closed on many different opportunities I've looked into, but when the YWAM one opened up, I've just watched everything fall right into place as if this is truly where God wants me!  All the money is absolutely no problem for God, He created the entire UNIVERSE after all!! Things seen and unseen. Wow, who can fathom our creator?!  I'm hopping on the plane tomorrow at 3:35! SO EXCITED, IT'S FINALLY HERE! FINALLY, I get to watch all that God has in store for this trip unfold!  Though being sick was an inconvenience, everything has come together in the end.  Stress is not worth it! In fact, stress NEVER helps!



~Lilly of Ozland

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