Sunday, December 15, 2013

How God turned me into a Kitten

It all started at the end of my DTS in August. I was ready more than ever before to book my plane ticket home straight after my School of Digital Filmmaking would finish in 3 months, but during the last weeks of DTS, I heard God telling me in the still quiet voice in my head as He always speaks to me in: "Pop over to New Zealand. Get a working holiday visa, come back and get a job."  I was like, WHAT?! God, I want to go home - I want to see my parents - spend quality time with them for all they've done for me...  This is so unsafe to stay! So insecure!

Yet SDF happened, and it started to make more sense.  I went to New Zealand for 3 weeks with some of my new SDF family and visited old and new friends, and experienced old and new things (I'll write more about it later) - it was a refreshing re-set button in my life.  I got to spend a week with my friend from home, who has been in New Zealand for this past year.  It was an extremely tough week for her, so it was such a blessing that I could be there for her during this time.  I got to see how God provided for her in such huge ways, which encouraged me that God would provide for me in the same way when I got back to Australia.

Misha is basically like my sister and has been involved in the celebrity wardrobe styling in the film industry for many years.  Kitten D'Amour caught her eye one day during SDF as she was shopping - because it is designer handmade local clothing.  She went in and ended up getting job information which she passed onto me.  I emailed them while I was in New Zealand with my resume about possibly getting a job.  Many many people were praying for me to get a job right away.

I hopped on the plane to head back to Australia after a wonderful three weeks in New Zealand.  I had to pay for my luggage on the way back, though it was free on the way there - so I literally had about $25 pocket change and $9 in my bank account.  Not enough for rent, let alone food.  Essie picked me up from the airport and we had a fabulous night at the Gold Coast, swimming and eating sushi. What a sweet heart, she treated me and spoiled me.

The next morning, I went to church on base and during worship, God told me, "I'm opening all the right doors for you. Just walk on through."  After church, I was planning to go all around the area turning in applications and resumes.  But I was having printer troubles, it wouldn't print my resumes. I only had one printed up.  God told me - "Just take this one to the new cafe down the road and come back."  So I did - I took it, but the cafe wasn't even open... But this woman walked up right as I did, and said she could take my resume to the owner. Talk about perfect timing.  So I headed back to base, feeling extremely lazy for not turning in more resumes.

I went to my bedroom, where Misha was. She said that there was a call from an unknown number on her phone, she thought it might be for me. So we returned the call - it was from Kitten D'Amour in the Carindale mall, asking me for an interview the following day! I must admit I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening with a new burst of energy, screamed into a pillow, ran around telling everyone, praising God, and had a massive smile that could not I could not wipe off my face.

Monday, I got all dressed up, (though I was fussing over what the heck to wear, God told me He wasn't limited to my outfit choice (; ) and headed out a good couple hours early. Good thing, because public transport was confusing!  When I thought I'd arrived, I discovered from this kind elderly couple that I had to take a bus as well. They showed me the way, and just as I ran to the stop, going to the wrong side first and having to run to the correct side, my bus pulled right up and I walked right on.  The bus driver told me the time I would arrive - I would still be 30 minutes early. Beautiful. Praise the Lord. He was protecting me like crazy.  After the interview, they called me for a trial the following day, to come in black high heels, a full face of makeup with red lipstick.  Once again, I had a massive smile that I couldn't wipe off my face.

So I went in for my trial, was guided to the back, put into a beautiful dress from the store, and began my trial. Though I was nervous at first, apparently it went well because I met the head boss who personally invited me to their Christmas party the following night, as well as the designer of the beautiful clothing, and got offered the job right afterwards!  I started the following morning and have been working every day since.  Its posed a new challenge as any new job would, but it has been such a joy.  God has continued to speak to my mind and protect me from public transport problems, and has shown me how to have confidence and be a light in the normal, Australian world.  Not to mention, God keeps giving me free bus fare.  When I touch my Go Card it often says "fare $0.00". That's such a blessing since I really don't have money till my first paycheck ;)

Its all very different from YWAM life, that's for sure ;)  Now I get to sell designer clothing inspired by 18th century France and dress in their extremely classy clothing every day! How blessed am I.

If I hadn't listened to the still small voice of God in my head, who continued to protect me and guide me, then I wouldn't have given myself the chance to grow my faith.  I came to Australia with hardly any money or means to get by not knowing what on Earth would happen, but just with the faith that God would provide a way for me, and He came through and continues to do so.  I almost feel bad and lazy that it all happened so quickly and easily.  I know for a fact I've been put in this store for a reason in this season, and it feels so right.  I am so eternally blessed to be a daughter of the High King.

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