Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Transitions and the abnormal challenge of REST!

This is such a season of transition, of rest.  I've gotten the opportunity to continue working along side the film interns whom I did the School of Digital Filmmaking with.  I've helped them out on their shooting set, doing makeup and I wrote and recorded the musical score for one.  The short films will be premiering in film festivals, which is a wonderful opportunity to get our work out in the world and our names out!  Woooo!

The last season of my life was all about WORK WORK WORK, building skills, and pushing myself beyond what I thought I was capable of.  In this season, I've been learning about how to REST. How to take a breather, and stand aside and let God work above me!  I'm a workaholic, and its been a challenge.  But God's shown me that I don't have to strive to accomplish things - that He'll show me and open the proper doors in their right timing.  And it's hard to be honest - to be patient and to be OK with not working all the time.  But God's always been the provider, and usually the things that I'm put into aren't of my own doing - I can't deny His goodness and protection over me.  Most people think I'm crazy - to find so much joy in work and to hate resting so much, apparently I'm strange :P haha. Its just cool to find joy in what you do!

Christmas and New years in Australia were SO DIFFERENT because it was HOT! I spent Christmas at the beach, eating kangaroo steak and bobbing in the waves under the hot sun.  HAHA, it was lovely and strange!  Hard being away from family, but such an experience :)

I am finished working at Kitten D'Amour - it was a seasonal position and such a blessing while I was there. Now I'm waiting on more work, and will most likely be attending the school of Audio Production coming up in Montana in April.  I'LL BE HOME IN WASHINGTON FOR A COUPLE WEEKS on either side of the school as well as for my brother's wedding! I'm so extremely excited I can't contain it.  To be a student again will be so lovely, to have the schedule and continue gaining skills.

Oh, I got baptized by the way! Well, I re-affirmed my baptism.  I was baptized as a baby by my wonderful parents, growing up in a Lutheran Church.  But since I didn't have the personal choice, I'd been waiting for the right time to confirm my baptism.  The perfect time came up!  Jonny and I went to the Gold Coast to help out with our friend Ryan's outreach group, and we had some time at the beach and it randomly came up that I'd never been baptized and also how Jonny wanted to start baptizing people...  And I felt like THAT was the right time I'd been waiting for.  So we went into the waves fully clothed, laughing - full of joy of the incredible moment - but taking it fully seriously at the same time - and Jonny dunked me under the waves! And out I came, stinging eyes and covered in salt and sand, but it was such a beautiful moment.  No magical transformation from that moment - it was a personal act of obedience and symbol of my dedication to Jesus <3

I've made a goal of writing and recording an album in 2014.  It's posed a challenge being here at YWAM because the studio and pianos aren't readily accecible any time I need them.  I also don't currently have the proper software I'm needing to record and experiment - Logic, Ableton live or Pro Tools would make my LIFE.  So I'm praying some things in, but getting inspiration and writing and working up some covers for some gigs in the mean time when I can.  Gaining some new skills here and there where I can such as making coffee, setting up a website, and waiting on the Lord for the next step.  Working on some collaboration projects in music.  I'll keep you all updated with what doors He opens next.  Wooooo it's exciting stuff, this life!

I also MOVED OUT OF THE YWAM BASE and now live in a house, with the most lovely house-mates, YAY.  It's lovely to have a big comfy bed, my own room, kitchen space, bathroom space... Life feels a little more normal in that house. AH SUCH A BLESSING.



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