Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Honey, I'm home!

Anticipation. Bubbles. Nerves. What's happening. What will happen. Newness. Yet, oldness. I don't know what to feel. All these thoughts and feeling ran through my head as I flew the aircraft.


Touchdown.  First step off the plane - first impression - the most incredible smells. The cool, misty, breezy air smelling sweet of cherry blossoms. Spring. Washington. No where in the world have I smelled fresher air. Ok, maybe New Zealand compares. But this, home. memories.  Over a year away, yet its all the same. Yet different. I'm different.  The smell of the airport, the smell of my sister, the smell of the car, the smell of the house. My cat. MEMORIES.

ACCENTS.  American accents all over. All of the sudden I blend in, I'm no longer a foreigner.  Airport security saying "welcome home". Home. What?

FIRST LOOK at my sister.  A long, squeal. A long hug. A massive smile that can't be wiped.

OVER INDULGENCE. All the food I haven't been able to eat in over a year! WOW. America and its plethora of bulk food items. So much variety.  So many things I love.  I must. not. gain. 50. pounds.  Sadly, my first bite into an apple and a banana were very disappointing - the fruit here is SO much less flavorful, WHAT?! Dang hormonal injections and mass production :(

My house - welcome. Rest. Peace.

My cat - she's a fighter, she's hung on for life - she's skin and bone - yet she remembers me and can't stop cuddling me.

Oh how I took advantage of everything, the abundance I had.  Well, no longer!

2.5 weeks here, how to best spend it?  After this, I'll be off to Montana with my buddy Jonny for the audio production course where I'll get the chance to learn recording techniques and Pro-Tools, steps towards making an album!  These last months in Australia have been spent with me gaining confidence, making decisions, writing heaps of music, performing and experimenting!  I've learned how to live on my own, pay rent, pay for food, keep clean for housemates, transportation, general independence and government stuff, you know I guess just normal things grown-ups have to deal with, haha.  But on the other side of the world, away from immediate family. How thankful I am for YWAM family, my goodness.

I'm so excited for the MASSIVE doors God's been opening! More updates to come as things all roll together into place! EEEE! So excited to see everything play out, and so thrilled to be home for this short bit before the next big thing.  Love you all, and many blessings to you!

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